How to rename and change the IP address of a Netapp Filer


I have an old Netapp filer that I'm migrating all of the NTFS files off of to a new NAS.

I'm going to be setting the new NAS up with the same IP and CIFS server name as the old netapp filer. This part I know how to do.

However, short of simply turning off the old netapp filer, is there a way I can change the IP and the name of the "CIFS server" on the old netapp filer so that I can leave it online for a few weeks if I have to grab files off of it or to do a final backup?

This is for data ontap 7.2

Best Answer

Here's a link to the ifconfig man page for ontap:

Here's one for the cifs commands:

changing your IP would be something like this (you would want to do this when logged in from the console in case it's not obvious):

# Get the name of the interface your current IP is assigned to, as well as 
# netmask, etc
ifconfig -a

# down the interface (i'm not actually sure if this is needed)
ifconfig INTERFACE down

# bring the interface back up with the new network info (substituting the
# correct values for INTERFACE, NETMASK, and ADDRESS)

You might also have to edit some files in the filer's etc/ dir to make the change persist across a reboot, as I said it's been a long time. cd to the filer's etc and grep for the current IP to get an idea.

as for renaming the share... Looks like you can't do a straight rename, you're in for deleting the old one and recreating it with the new name. How about something like this:

# show the info about the current shares:
cifs shares

# change the share name
cifs shares -delete OLDSHARE

# add the new name with the same settings as the old
cifs shares -add NEWNAME [options]

See the na_cifs_shares man page for more infor on the options when you recreate the share (

Hope that helps somewhat...