How to replace a raid-1 software raid array on Mac OS X with a larger one


Here is my current situation:

Mac Pro Server with 1x normal OS drive and 2x 750Gb data drives in a raid-1 configuration. I'm starting to fill up the space on the data drives and would like to replace the array with a set of 2Tb drives. There are only three SATA ports in my system and they are all in use with the three drives.

I'm hoping that I can replace one of the 750Gb drives with a 2Tb in the raid-1 array. Wait for the array to repair and then replace the other 750Gb drive. Then expand the 750Gb array to a 2Tb array.

Has anyone tried something like this on Mac OS X?

Best Answer

That's not going to work. What I would do: Put one of the old drives into an USB or firewire case, replace the disks in the system, create a RAID and copy the data from the USB drive.

Also, are you talking about a MacPro or an Xserve? The former has four SATA drive bays.

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