How to reserve complete nodes on Sun Grid Engine


How do you use SGE to reserve complete nodes on a cluster?

I don't want 2 processors from one machine, 3 processors from another, and so on. I have a quadcore cluster and I want to reserve 4 complete machines, each having 4 slots. I cannot just specify that I want 16 slots because it does not guarantee that I will have 4 slots on 4 machines each.

Changing the allocation rule to FILL_UP isn't enough because if there are no machines that are completely idle, SGE will simply "fill up" the least loaded machines as much as possible instead of waiting for 4 idle machines and then scheduling the task.

Is there any way I can do this? Is there a better place to ask this question?

Best Answer

SGE is weird with this, and I haven't found a good way to do this in the general case. One thing that you can do, if you know the memory size of the node you want, is to qsub while reserving an amount of memory almost equal to the full capacity of the node. This will ensure it grabs a system with nothing else running on it.

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