How to reset the network share permissions


Our server has a number of shared folders for the different departments to store stuff in. Now I have an account that I can use to access the folders available to me and things used to work fine… I'd navigate to the folder, enter my name/pass and get access to whatever I needed.

One day, I logged into the network share with an account that had less permissions than my own, and ever since I've only been able to use the permissions of that one user account. I can't seem to find where I can reset my network share permissions/account so that I can re-enter it whenever I navigate to the shares.

The only things I can seem to find online are how to change folder permissions on my local drive.

Best Answer

This question belongs on superuser. I know this because I asked the same question there:

On Windows XP, click Start - Settings - Control Panel - User Accounts - Your username - Manage network passwords (on the left hand side). You can add, edit and remove saved credentials here for accessing network resources here.