How to restart a systemd service when a file has not been modified for a period of time


My setup has a systemd service that should periodically write to a file. I would like to monitor the file for changes, so when it hasn't been modified for a while, I know the service has bugged out. I would like to be able to automatically restart the service when that happens.

I have tried using the path unit file, but it can only start a command when the monitored file is changed, not the other way round.

The opposite question has been asked, where the service needs to be restarted when a file was changed, but the solution doesn't seem to be directly applicable to my situation.

Best Answer

While the comment answer does bring up a good point on where one should be focusing their energy when dealing with an issue like this (debug and try to determine why it might be hanging?), a possible solution to your question could be to set up a systemd-timer that fires at whatever interval you're looking to check that file, and have that run a script that does your testing and actions. Maybe something like (if you're using 1hr as your interval):


[~]# cat /etc/systemd/system/checkhung.timer 
Description=Check if file not modified in a while and restart service



[~]# cat /etc/systemd/system/checkhung.service 
Description=Check if file not modified in a while and restart service



[~]# cat /usr/local/bin/

if [[ $(find /path/to/the/file.txt -mmin +60) ]]
    /usr/bin/systemctl restart my-service.service

Note that I haven't tested this, so some tweaking may be necessary.