How to rotate an SSL Certificate as requested by AWS


Amazon AWS sent an email today that users using Elasic Load Balancing (ELB) service with SSL certificates should "Rotate" them for precaution (Heartbleed bug).

How exactly do I rotate an ssl certificate?

AWS Original Message:
"The OpenSSL project has recently announced a security vulnerability in OpenSSL (which is used within ELB) affecting versions 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 (CVE-2014-0160). While we've mitigated the impact of this issue for the Elastic Load Balancing service, we are writing to you because you have used a custom SSL certificate with one or more of your load balancers. As a precaution, it is our recommendation that you rotate your SSL certificates as soon as possible."

Thanks a lot for the help.


Best Answer

I think you should check your OpenSSL version, then update it and finally generate a new SSL certificate.

Take a look at this website, you could find useful pieces of information :