How to run a vmdk image on another 64 bit machine which does not have vt support


I have a CentOS 64 as Guest OS installation (basically the vmdk file) which was created on a machine which had Virtualization Support enabled in BIOS.
How ever I have another machine where I do not have virtualization support (even in BIOS) both these machines are 64 bit.

When ever I try to boot the vmd image which was created on machine with Virtualization support on the other machine which does not have virt support
after going through a series of messages as

You have configured this virtual  machine to use a 64 bit guest Operating System.How ever 64 bit operation is not possible. This host does not support VT.For more detailed information see
Continue without 64 bit support.

Where I select yes and then some boot sequence starts but then I see a message

Your CPU does not support long  mode.Use a 32 bit distribution.

Is there a way to get past it.Given this another machine is a 64 bit machine.

Best Answer

Seems like it is possible to import VMDK images into VirtualBox, which can run without VT albeit a little slower.

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