How to run gsutil rsync without auth


aws s3 sync provides a parameter named --no-sign-request, so user can sync a publicly-visible bucket without any auth in advance.

gsutil help anon says that:

gsutil users can access publicly readable data without obtaining
credentials. For example, the gs://uspto-pair bucket contains a number
of publicly readable objects, so any user can run the following command
without first obtaining credentials:

gsutil ls gs://uspto-pair/applications/0800401*

Users can similarly download objects they find via the above gsutil ls

However, running this command without login makes gsutil report errors:

➜  mirror-docker git:(v2) gsutil ls 'gs://uspto-pair/applications/0800401*'
Your credentials are invalid. Please run
$ gcloud auth login

Currently, we are setting up a mirror for common buckets on gcloudstorage, and want to find a way to perform sync without auth in advance. Is it possible?

Best Answer

Prior using the gsutil tool, you need to authenticate yourself as per this: which is one of the requirements. Even if you have a publicly accessible bucket and/or object you cannot unfortunately perform a sync without authentication in advance.

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