How to safely remove a USB device from 2008 Core server

devicehard driveusbwindows-server-core

I have a Hyper-V Core server 2008 that I administer via command line and remote tools. We have now got a new backup system in place and it involves me connecting an External USB drive (G:) to backup system state files. My question is how should I safely remove the drive for its weekly offsite swap?

I've tried using the devcon tool however it just says the 'removal failed with no devices removed' with no other explanation. I have noticed that there isnt a readily available x64 version of devcon and that might be the cause of the problem. (I have read of people downloading a amd64 version but I have not located it myself, if someone knows where it is please let me know).

The devcon command worked on my old 2003 x86 server with the command: devcon remove 3200AVJ_EXTERNAL

I have also looked at using fsutil volume dismount g: but it doesn't seem to work as G: is still listed as a connected volume.

I have checked that the volume is not in use via remote tools and the net file command. Both show no open files in the G:\ volume. This could be a decent substitute as it might be used to flush any remaining IO to the volume can anyone clarify?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Are you using the Windows 2003 version of devcon? I don't think it is 100% compatible with Windows 2008. Try downloading the WDK from Microsoft and extracting the newest version from there. link text

The newest x64 version is in: WDK\ - extract the _devcon.exe_00000 file and rename to devcon.exe. The proper version of the file should be 6.1.7600.16385.