How to save DHCP option 43 on Windows 2008 server


I need to retrieve the DHCP option 43 from my DHCP server (Linux ISC DHCP server) on a Windows 2008 server (or any other Windows version, as long as the code 43 is specified in the Parameter request list (code 55)).

I can see the wanted value with Wireshark on Windows in the DHCP Offer packet

Option: (t=43; l=30) Vendor-Specific Information
  Option: (43) Vendor-Specific Information
  Length: 30
  Value: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (some hex number)

The converted hex value to string gives me the information I want.

But I don't know where / how to store it on disk ?

I thought I could see it while doing

ipconfig /all

Does anyone know how to do that ?

Best Answer

You're on the DHCP server, correct?

Try netsh dhcp server show optionvalue.