How to self change attrs in openldap


I am running openldap is 2.4.40 and have applied following ACL:

olcAccess: {0}to *      
          by self write       
          by dn="cn=Manager,dc=sample,dc=com" write       
          by * read
olcAccess: {1}to dn.children="ou=sysUsers,dc=sample,dc=com" 
          by self write
          by dn="cn=Manager,dc=sample,dc=com" write             
          by anonymous auth
          by * none

I want to change the userPassword, shadowLastChange, description, sshPublicKey by user(sysUsers). But its giving me permission error, Doesn't write permission.

# slapacl -D '' -b 'uid=user1,ou=sysUsers,dc=sample,dc=com'
 authcDN: ""
 entry: read(=rscxd)
 children: read(=rscxd)
 gidNumber=1000: read(=rscxd)
 homeDirectory=/home/user1: read(=rscxd)
 cn=user1: read(=rscxd)
 sshPublicKey=ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza…cGWliPbw== read(=rscxd)
 userPassword=****: read(=rscxd)
 description=test user1: read(=rscxd)
 modifyTimestamp=20161025074434Z: read(=rscxd)
LDAP reponse:   Insufficient access
error number:   0x32 (LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS)
description:    You do not have sufficient permissions to perform that operation.

I tried modifying description by user uid=user1,ou=sysUsers,dc=sample,dc=com, but failed.

uid=Manager,ou=sysUsers,dc=sample,dc=com is able to modify though.

what am I doing wrong? I suspect ACL problem?

Best Answer

olcAccess: {0}to *      
          by self write       
          by dn="cn=Manager,dc=sample,dc=com" write       
          by * read
olcAccess: {1}to dn.children="ou=sysUsers,dc=sample,dc=com" 
          by self write
          by dn="cn=Manager,dc=sample,dc=com" write             
          by anonymous auth
          by * none

First of all the ACL sequence you have given is not correct, In this case everything will be matched to first directive as it has "*" in , Which matches everything, and it will never go to the second rule of ACL.

Second, The command you have used to check the ACL permissions is incorrect, You have used:

slapacl -D '' -b 'uid=user1,ou=sysUsers,dc=sample,dc=com'

Which is incorrect -D is the DN whose permissions are to be checked and -b is baseDN to which permissions is to be checked.

So correct command should be check self permissions:

slapacl -D 'uid=user1,ou=sysUsers,dc=sample,dc=com' -b 'uid=user1,ou=sysUsers,dc=sample,dc=com'

EDIT AFTER YOUR FINDINGS: The ACL you had applied was for dn:olcDatabase={0}config,cn=config whereas it should be applied for Database DN dn:olcDatabase={2}bdb,cn=config

What I am pretty sure you are trying to do is change the description of DN:"uid=Manager,ou=sysUsers,dc=sample,dc=com" which ofcourse according to ACL any other won't be able to do except DN:"uid=Manager,ou=sysUsers,dc=sample,dc=com" itself or DN:"cn=Manager,dc=sample,dc=com".

Hope this helps! Please support the answer by marking it as helped or answered if it did.

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