How to separate the personal Amazon account from the AWS account


I recently enabled Amazon Web Services on my personal Amazon account, but I would like to have separate login credentials. I know that I can use IAM to create different users within AWS, but I'm still left with the same login credentials for my AWS root account and my personal Amazon account.

Attempting to change the password from within Web Services changes the password for my personal account too.

Obviously, one solution is to create an account with a different e-mail address, however, pages like this seem to indicate that this is unnecessary:

If you have a personal account, you might want to have a separate account just for your AWS activity. You could provide a new e-mail address not already in the system, or provide an e-mail address for an existing account you have but use a different password. You can have multiple accounts that use the same e-mail address, but different passwords.

If I try to sign up for Amazon Web Services with the same e-mail and a different password, I am told that an account already exists with that address. If I try to sign up for, I am told:

There is already an Amazon account with the e-mail

If you create a new account with the same e-mail, the existing account will be disabled.

So, my question is, how can I use the same e-mail address for my personal Amazon account and my Web Services root account, but with a different password? Is this perhaps not possible, and the information above is outdated?

Best Answer

I've received confirmation from Amazon that this is no longer possible and that the page linked in my question is out-dated. I was advised to use Identity and Access Management (IAM) should I need to provide multiple users access to one AWS account.

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