How to set a per-user resolv.conf


Is there a way to specify a per-user resolv.conf?

What I found are vague references to the possibility of having a per-user host file, but I'm not interested in that, I'm actually interested in a full resolv.conf, because I want to set different nameservers.

If you're asking why the point is testing cjdns nameserver(s) on a multi-user environment in which I don't want to affect other users of the system.

Would it be possible to perhaps abuse the nsswitch system?

Best Answer

Local filesystem namespaces are your friend, though they do require root permissions to set up.

sudo unshare --mount bash -s <<'EOF'
  mount --bind /path/to/your/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
  sudo -u username-to-run-as command-to-run-with-alternate-resolv-conf 

If you want a script which will run an arbitrary command with your updated resolv.conf, consider:

## usage: with-custom-resolver /path/to/resolv.conf cmd arg1 arg2 ...
## ...note that this requires root.

add_cmd() {
  local cmd_str
  printf -v cmd_str '%q ' "$@"

resolv_conf=$1; shift

[[ $EUID = 0 ]] || { echo "Must be run as root" >&2; exit 1; }
[[ -e $resolv_conf ]] || { echo "No file found at: $resolv_conf" >&2; exit 1; }

add_cmd mount --bind "$resolv_conf" /etc/resolv.conf
add_cmd exec "$@"
unshare --mount sh -e -c "$script"

Thus, this could be used as:

with-custom-resolver your-resolv.conf sudo -u someuser some-command arg1
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