How to set Artifactory 2.6.x to use less storage


My team is using JFrog Artifactory Pro. We have plans to upgrade to 3.x but they are being slowed down for non-technical reasons.

In the mean time our 2.6.x install is using over 190GB of disk. Most of that is in repo/data/filestore.

I have already run the following maintenance options and freed up some disk:

  • zapped caches
  • deleted versions
  • run storage garbage collection (this was most effective, got back whole 2GB)
  • compressed the database
  • pruned unused data
  • run unused artifacts cache cleanup

I specifically reviewed the "snapshots to keep" setting for repos which could have snapshots. It was set to a reasonable value (less than 10) for those repos.

What settings should I review to free up some disk space?

Best Answer

Some of the operations you mentioned (zapping caches, pruning unused data, etc.) are one-time operations, that might have some temporary effect, but I am not sure how useful they are on the normal operation basis. After all, the caches are there for a reason.

Others, like GC, are ran by default by Artifactory (e.g. GC is running every 4 hours).

All the storage managing details are listed in one Artifactory User Guide page.

Practically, there are 5 configuration options that can help you control the storage size on a routine basis:

  • Setup snapshot cleanup policy.
  • Delete Unused Cached Artifacts.
  • Delete old builds by using the Jenkins Artifactory Plugin.
  • Write a script that uses REST API cleanup calls.
  • Write a user plugin that implements any cleanup logic that is correct in your case. Here are some examples to get you started.
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