How to set RpcClientAccessServer for a Exchange 2010 mailbox database to a load balancer

exchange-2010load balancing

I have 2 Exchange 2010 servers each with a Mailbox Database. I have also setup a Hardware Load Balancer (KEMP LoadMaster 2200 to be precise) to load balance the CAS role access.

My HLB has an IP of I've setup the DNS A record for to point to However when I try to set the RpcClientAccessServer on a mailbox database using

Set-MailboxDatabase "My Mailbox Database" -RpcClientAccessServer

I get an error saying

Exchange server "" was not found. Please make sure you have typed it correctly.
+ CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], ManagementObjectNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 4082394C

Any ideas?

Best Answer

For those that want the answer. Use the commandlet New-ClientCasArray to create your FQDN for the CAS array. Then use Get-MailboxDatabase | Set-MailboxDatabase -RPCClientAccessServer “FQDN” to set all your existing mailbox databases (if you have already created some) to use the new CAS array.