How to set the command prompt font on XP


I need to set the font on the XP command prompt on a few machines so that it would correctly display Hebrew file names. The default font displays a lot of gibberish, so I'm pretty sure changing it will do the trick. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Best Answer

There are two steps to doing this. Firstly you need to set a font that supports hebrew charectors as an availible font for the command prompt. To do so, open regedit and browse to this registry key:


In here you should see an entry of:

0 Lucida Console

You need to create a new string value, called 00, with a value of the name of the font you want to use. If you already have a 00 entry in their, use 000 and so on.

Once done, restart the machine. You should now be able to click on the upper left corner and your font list should now include the font you wish to use.