How to set the Power button behavior for all users of a computer


I have tablet PCs that are used by many users. Whenever a new user logs on to the tablet the power settings default to "When I close the lid of my portable computer" = "Standby". I want it to be "Do Nothing".

I can't set them from powercfg.exe. I've tried exporting the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg\CurrentPowerPolicy registry key and importing it on additional users.

I'm looking for a way to change the default to Do Nothing for anyone that uses the computer or at least run a program or script at logon that switches to do nothing at logon.

Best Answer

In your registry under HKEY_USERS(the user profile you set power options on)\PowerCfg\GlobalPowerPolicy copy the Policies option into all the other users including .DEFAULT. This worked for me.

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