How to set up letsencrypt with multiple domains on a lighttpd server with ubuntu 16.04


I'm trying to set up letsencrypt on lighttpd from scratch. I currently run lighttpd on 16.10 xenial and want to move over existing sites to https from http. I know there's an automatic setup process for Apache and ngnix, but I'm disinclined to move things over. I have half a dozen hostnames, over a pair of domains hosted using virtualhosts, and with individual blocks per host.

How would I do this?

Best Answer

Most tools support a "dumb webserver" mode, in which they provide files that need to be served by your webserver in the /.well-known/acme-challenge/ directory.

It is also possible to generate that content with some dynamic language (lua, php, ...: concat the request filename, '.' and the public key hash)