How to setup a reliable SMTP server on Windows Server 2008 R2


I know there are SMTP services out there which you can pay to send e-mails with but surely it's not that difficult to set up one of your own.

How can I set up an SMTP server on Windows Server 2008 R2 that is:
– Secure; only authorized users/hostnames/etc can send mail
– Reliable; e-mails don't get lost
– Not treated as spam; when e-mails are received from say gmail/outlook/hotmail they don't go straight to junk **

** I understand this depends both on the server+e-mail headers AND e-mail content – I'm looking to safeguard the server part.


Best Answer

Please see my question here. It's for Exchange, but what you mainly want to make sure of is your MX record, SPF record and reverse DNS to be identified as legit mail. Most of it still fits, as those are steps any mail server needs to take.

Is this SMTP server going to be used for internal or external sending?

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