How to setup Apache for more simultaneous connections by user


I run a virtual CentOS 5 server with Apache 2 and PHP under FastCGI, using mod_fcgid. I've built an application which relies heavily on Ajax, and in one case uses a popup with PHP flushing to allow the application to work in realtime during a long time.

The issue is that when I connect to one ajax-script I'm locked to that script until it is finished. The same goes for the popup. I don't seem to be able to serve more than one request at a time.

I read in another post that it's most likely the client (Firefox) that causes the issue, but Firefox "network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server" is set to 10.

How can I allow either the browser or the server (whichever is causing the issue) to accept more than one connection?


Best Answer

because the number of connections is ip bound in most browsers, you can spread your content across multiple ips/domains to enhance performance. you can find a more detailed explanation at yahoo. there are also some more performance tips for your frontend performance.

a good tool for messauring frontend performance in firefox is yslow. it does not only messaure performance, but also gives hints about how to improve your performance.