How to show which image a GCE VM was created from


I need to figure out which image was used to create a virtual machine in my organization's Google Cloud / Compute Engine project.

I don't see this information on the Virtual Machine overview page (within or via the SDK using gcloud compute instances describe.

This information wasn't readily apparent to me after a quick google search or scanning the documentation at

Best Answer

Information about which image was used upon the creation of a Google Compute Engine instance can be retrieved by running this command from the Cloud Shell of your Console:

    `gcloud compute disks describe [Your-Instance-name]`

The image name will be listed next to sourceImage and the id next to sourceImageId. In case the GCE instance was created from a custom image, this id can then be used to identify it (see the “Equivalent REST response” accessible on each of the custom image descriptions in your Console’s list).

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