How to silently deploy Adobe Reader DC update through SCCM


I'm trying to deploy an Adobe Reader DC update through SCCM and am having trouble installing it silently. I'm attempting to run it through the command line to make sure it works and here is what I am using that works:

msiexec /update AcroRdrDCUpd1500820082.msp

That works fine for bringing up the update and then running the .msp manually. However, if I try running the following the update never works:

msiexec /update AcroRdrDCUpd1500820082.msp /qn

Is there something I'm doing wrong? How can I get this to run silently so that I can deploy it in SCCM?

Best Answer

The way that we've installed/updated Adobe Reader is to just use the /q switch, but choose the Installation program visibility option to 'Hidden' in the User Experience section of the application properties. Set supersedence to the previous version that you want to update from.

For updates, you can create an app deployment with a script deployment type that runs (include quotes) "AcrobatUpd**.msp" /qn (replace ** with the actual numbers from the .msp). Set the detection method to whatever specific version(s) you currently have installed.