How to solve MSSQL 2008 install error, “The MOF compiler could not connect with the WMI server”


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After manually removing MSSQL 2008 from my system (uninstall failed to remove two instances), I receive the following error when trying to re-install:

The MOF compiler could not connect
with the WMI server. This is either
because of a semantic error such as an
incompatibility with the existing WMI
repository or an actual error such as
the failure of the WMI server to

It seems that mofcomp is failing with one of the .mof files, but I'm not sure which, or why. Digging through the connect article gave some indications, but no solution. I've run winmgmt /salvagerepository, which returns "WMI repository is consistent".

Currently, I'm unable to install MSSQL 2008. Please help!

Best Answer

I have faced the same problem and fixed it as below:

I downloadeded the portable (executable on any window based computer without installation) "Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter" (a replacement of Windows Installer Cleanup Utility) from and executed the Fixit.exe. Have repeated the option named as "Fix problems with programs that can't be installed or uninstalled" to uninstalled the SQL Server 2008 registry entry(ies). After that, I installed the SQL Server 2008 which completed successfully.