How to solve the CA bundle included with OpenSSL may not be valid or up to date issue while trying to install a Puppet module


Trying to fetch a module, I have the following output

Notice: Preparing to install into /usr/local/etc/puppet/modules ...
Notice: Downloading from ...
Error: Could not connect via HTTPS to
  Unable to verify the SSL certificate
    The certificate may not be signed by a valid CA
    The CA bundle included with OpenSSL may not be valid or up to date

But my /etc/ssl/cert.pem is linked correctly, and the package ca_root_nss-3.16.3 is up to date. Is there any information I can get from Puppet about how to proceed with diagnosing this? Maybe it's looking in the wrong location?

Best Answer

I suppose I should be explicit about my solution. Following Felix Frank's advice to use strace (ktrace in FreeBSD), I performed

ktrace -d puppet module install puppetlabs/apache

the -d flag just being there in case child processes were involved. Then, to recover the trace in a human readable format,

kdump | less

which revealed among other things the following bit

 84579 ruby19   CALL  open(0x804453968,0,0x1b6)
 84579 ruby19   NAMI  "/usr/local/openssl/cert.pem"
 84579 ruby19   RET   open -1 errno 2 No such file or directory

It isn't clear to me yet whether my system is just incorrectly configured, and that cert.pem was supposed to be there; or whether some other issue is at play. Either way, it fixed the immediate problem of not being able to install the module.