How to stop domain users from installing any software


I was wondering which policies, etc I could setup to stop any installations from occurring in a server 2003 domain environment? I have 2003 RC2 and XP Pro clients.

I guess the quick easy way is to make everyone guests, but this also blocks them from other things that they might need to do/access. I've seen a lot of ideas but they do not fully block everything. I know there probably isn't a fix all but would like to get as close as possible.

Thank you all,

Best Answer

Remove local admin rights, remove local power user, spend hours debugging crappy and ill-architected software with access problems using sysinternals software to manually work around access issues.

Set up software shares for home directories, profiles, etc. and redirect select subdirs (like my docs) to a network share. Then use something like Faronics Deep Freeze to "reset" the computer back to a pristine state after each restart.

I think they also have software that can whitelist executables, but it will be a pain to set up and maintain if you have a large number of systems with diverse needs to attend to.

Get systems without CD drives and use a portable USB drive for installation of software.

Get HR to support policies that make it crystal clear what's allowed and what isn't on systems, that they're company property and that there's no expectation of privacy on them.

Use filtering software to monitor web use and you can block out downloads if need be.

How draconian do you want to get?

You could also use images of your systems and periodically re-image your computers to a clean state. Still takes maintenance though, as an image a month out of date needs a month of patch-tuesdays installed, plus users still need their own data accounted for on the server or if they're managing to "accidentally" save things locally you're going to hear grumbling.

You'll need to examine your policies and balance usability with how much of a PITA you're going to make it for employees to get their work done and how miserable you want to make your employees feel, if the employer expects a lot from the employees and at the same time won't give them any sense of empowerment or freedom at all...employees that feel a foot on the back and eyes over their shoulders have wonderfully creative ways of making your life more miserable and they won't feel bad in the least for it if they feel justified.