How to take the web server offline for maintenance when its a single server


I have a Windows 2008R2 server that hosts Sql Server and IIS for our company.

I need to take it down occasionally for updates and backup.

This is the setup

Dedicated Windows 2008R2 server hosts my Windows 2008R2 vps web server (which is the one I need to take down).

When I take this server down, I need a way to flag the domain as currently undergoing maintenance instead of host not found.

The domain points directly to my web server so when it goes down, all they see is host not found. The domain is hosted by godaddy if that helps any.

Is there a way around this? Anyone have any suggestions?

Best Answer

No way around it without adding another server of some kind... There's a wide variety of options, but it all boils down to server redundancy in one form or another..

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