How to Takeover a Folder when even Admins and SYSTEM has Access Denied


I'm having a strange problem; a user seems to have 'tweaked' the permission of a folder so that not even a Domain Admin nor the SYSTEM account can take it over.

  • icacls Folder /T /C /Q /RESET –> Access is denied
  • takeown /f Folder –> Access is denied
  • icacls Folder –> Access is denied

Not sure what I can do at this moment…

Best Answer

You need to take ownership of the folder (and its child objects, from the sounds of things), at which point you'll be able to change the permissions. An administrative account (or the current owner) is generally required to perform this operation.

Using ICALCS, the syntax is:

  ICACLS name /setowner user [/T] [/C] [/L] [/Q]