How to tell IIS7 to allow POST to a text file (to solve 405)


If I want to allow HTTP POST to text files *.txt (i.e. I'm taking an example of what could be any static resource normally accessible by GET).

The error is:

Server Error

405 – HTTP verb used to access this
page is not allowed. The page you are
looking for cannot be displayed
because an invalid method (HTTP verb)
was used to attempt access.

How can I accomplish this?

Background: I'm using to hit my hosted facebook app and facebook sends HTTP POST now through to the iFrame hosting my app. This facebook behaviour has been around for a while but it's being forced now. In turn this forces me to make stuff available to the POST verb.

Best Answer

I believe that IIS supports POSTs on most extension types. Are you using IIS7 or 7.5? I just tested with a .txt file in IIS7.5 and it handles a POST just fine.

I would check in your applicationHost.config (c:\windows\system32\inetsrv), search for the section and check your StaticFile handler, or if you already have a handler for your extension type. The same may be set in your web.config file. Confirm that the verbs property allows for POST.