How to tell OS X’s implementation of Bonjour/ZeroConf which network to use for mdns


I have four networks on my machine:

  1. wired (connected only at work)
  2. wireless (connected only at home)
  3. VMWare's NAT
  4. VMWare's host-only

My OS X (10.5) seems to prefer to use VMWare's NAT over my Wireless network for machinename.local. Is there any way to change the preference baring shutting down the VMWare interfaces?

Best Answer

In Windows, have you tried using Run > "msconfig" to disable the "mDNSResponder" service (I believe that gets installed via iTunes)? If it's running, then I'm guessing the Bonjour traffic is being generated from Windows itself.

Otherwise, I would try the steps in this guide.

In VMWare, open the settings for the virtual machine you're using. You need to change the "Network" settings to use bridge mode, instead of NAT.

To do so, as the relevant paragraph from the above website states:

"Click on the settings of your particular virtual machine, hop over the the network, and select “Connect directly to the physical network (Bridged)”.

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