How to test an email address, MX records updated, it works, some users get returned mail


I had a small issue with an email address recently, after a few changes of MX records with the help from my hosting company these were resolved.

I have tested the email address from multiple accounts, my server, gmail, aol, hotmail etc.

I have tested the MX records using a look-up service – and they are the correct records given to me by my hosting company.

However, I have been told some users are still getting emails bounced back to them, I am soon to find out the exact errors (I will have to wait a couple of days to get these).

Is there a tool I can use to test the email address that is more advanced than a MX lookup record – perhaps a way of pinging it from different servers and seeing what the response is.

The changes to the MX records were made over 48 hours ago – I am assuming that should be plenty of time to avoid email bouncing back.

Any tips and tools or article links are much appreciated.

Many Thanks

Best Answer

Not everyone uses MX records for their e-mail, so servers expecting A records to resolve to a usable mailhost (where there is none) will still get bounces.

Also, 48 hours is not always long enough for all caching servers to update, though it should be enough time...

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