How to understand if an IP address is dynamic or static


I have an IP list and I have to seperate them as static ones and dynamic ones. Is there any tool or way to do that? Thank for any advice…

Best Answer

tl;dr - Nope.

The difference between static addresses and dynamic ones is merely that dynamic addresses are handed out by a DHCP server. Period. The range of IP addresses that a DHCP server can hand out is completely arbitrary, so without access to the DHCP server's configuration, there's no way to tell definitively which is which.

Depending on what lease duration the DHCP server is configured with, you may be able to infer information about certain IP by seeing if their ARP mapping changes over time.

If you're talking about public IPs, you may be able to do a reverse dns lookup on the IP, and if a PTR record exists for it, the hostname returned may give you some information about whether it's a static or dynamic address.

To reiterate, though, with the IP alone, there's no way to get the information you're looking for.

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