How to uninstall Oracle 11g from Windows


When I try to uninstall Oracle 11g from Windows, I get the following error message:

Checking swap space: 0 MB available, 500 MB required.

How can I fix this to completely uninstall Oracle 11g?

Best Answer

I've run into this problem before on a machine where windows was managing the swap space. Oracle, thinking it's smarter than windows, seems to require you to have your swap space discretely allocated. You can do that by following the steps below.

How to:

Right click on my computer > properties > advanced In the Performance section click on 'Settings' and find the Advanced Tab In the Advanced tab, find the Virtual Memory section and click on change Select a drive with disk space available and add provide a min and max size

I usually go with a setting that's 2x my RAM for both the Min and Max - windows chews up a lot of cycles trying to grow the swap file.