active-directory – How to Update Group Membership Remotely


I'd like to see if there is a way to update a users machines group membership without having to restart the computer, and without having their login information. Ideally looking for something I can execute remotely with a script. I've found different ways to refresh the group membership, but most need the login information of the user, or direct access to the machine. We're trying to find a way that allows as little disruption to the user as possible. Thanks!

Best Answer

Restart is not necessary, but a logoff-logon cycle is needed to refresh NTLM authentication. While it's possible e.g. to force logoff after 5 minutes using shutdown /l /f /t 300, the /l for logoff is not available remotely with /m \\target.

Additionally, Kerberos authentication tickets can be reset with klist.exe since Windows 7. As you were looking for a solution that resets all Kerberos tickets, you need to use the special identifier:

klist -lh 0 -li 0x3e7 purge

There is a script for Purging the Kerberos ticket cache via klist on a remote machine. You could either use it as is or adopt the methods described:

The script uses Win32_ScheduledJob to schedule Klist. Klist queries the current tickets (klist -lh 0 -li 0x3e7 tickets) and purges them (klist -lh 0 -li 0x3e7 purge). Win32_Process is then used to create the process echo N | gpupdate /force /target:computer.