How to use Glassfish under Linux as a reverse-proxy


Question says it all. I would like to use SUN Glassfish 2.0x server as a reverse-proxy server, so that when someone hits this server, he/she is transparently redirected to an internal web site, which runs some old Apache (which we cannot upgrade).

We are using Glassfish already under SuSE Linux for multiple applications. This Glassfish would then have SUN Policy Agent (from OpenSSO) installed to control the access to the box.

(internet) ---> reverse-proxy ---> internal server

Both internal and external should be the same NIC and same IP, preferrably.

Best Answer

Is there any particular reason you need to use Glassfish here as reverse proxy. I would suggest you use squid for this. This article mentions how to use squid for this.

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