How to use nsupdate to create NAPTR record


What's a working example for creating a NAPTR record using nsupdate against Bind9?

man nsupdate sais:

update add {domain-name} {ttl} [class] {type} {data...}
       Adds a new resource record with the specified ttl, class and data.

But I can't seem to find the correct format for NAPTR

My attempt:

echo -e 'update add 60 IN NAPTR"u"."E2U+sip"."!^.*$!!" .'"\nsend"|nsupdate

results in:

invalid rdata format: not a valid number
syntax error

Best Answer

Here's a working example:

echo -e "nsupdate "update add 60 IN NAPTR 100 10 \"u\" \"E2U+h323\" \"!^.*$!!\" ."\nserver localhost\nsend" | /usr/bin/nsupdate -y rndckey:mykey -v