How to use robocopy to move Users folder from partition c to d on Windows 7

robocopyuserswindows 7

I just tried to copy my Users folder from partition C to partition D using the method mentioned in this post.

Unfortunately I encountered two problems:

  1. When using the command robocopy c:\Users d:\Users /mir /xj /copyall, robocopy says that it can't find the file C:\Users\, although it exists.
  2. When using the command robocopy x:\Users d:\Users /mir /xj /copyall, robocopy says that it cannot find the path d:\Users\Administrator\Application Data, error code <0x00000003>.

I started the command line mode of my Windows 7 installation disk (repair mode).

Does anybody know what the reasons for these errors might be?

Best Answer

Using sysprep is the easiest way to create user profiles in a different location.

All the other, unofficial ways, such as messing around with junctions and copying or moving files around, gave me a The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded. profile error.