How to use the original sender date instead of the fetch date in OTRS


When OTRS fetches emails from an IMAP account it forgets the original send date and replaces this with the fetch (!) date.
Normally this is not a problem, but when you're importing an existing IMAP folder with many emails into OTRS all dates are set to the import data.

This is not cool and I would like to know if there's some way I can have OTRS read the email headers and use that to replace the create_time field in the article table.
I was thinking of using the filter module of the postmaster (or something similar).

How do I get OTRS to read the date header in the email and use that date for the create_time?

Best Answer

The short answer is: this is not possible. The long answer is: if you want to do this you need to modify the TicketCreate() method, because it will currently only take the current time as create date for a new ticket.