How to use tshark or tcpdump to calculate bytes transmitted


I am using this command with tshark:

tshark -r pcapfile "tcp and ip.src==" -T text -V -x | grep 'Total Length'

This essentially parses the pcap for only connections from the source ip and looks for the total length in bytes from each packet. I get output like this:

Total Length: 125 
Total Length: 210 
Total Length: 40 
Total Length: 125
> etc, etc....

What I need to do is take the numbers from Total Length and add them up so I can get an idea of how much data was passed over the wire in the time frame of the pcap from a single IP.

Is there a command I can add on the end of the one I am using to do this? Or is there a way I can direct to stdout and then pipe that to a program that can parse and calculate what I am after? Anyone know of a similar command with tcpdump that can do this?

Best Answer

awk can sum up a column of numbers. Something like this should do the trick.

Assuming that the output of your tshark is in foo.txt:

$ cat foo.txt | awk '{ sum += $3 } END { print sum }'

You could also pipe the output of "grep" directly to awk, and it would work in a similar fashion.