How to verify that SSL cipher order is being enforced


I'm running Apache 2.2.31 and I'm trying to get Perfect Forward Secrecy working. Using Qualys SSL Labs shows that pretty much everything except IE is using ciphers that can use forward secrecy.

I've verified that SSLHonorCipherOrder is set to on in the Apache configuration, but I'm wondering if there's a way to externally test that the cipher order is being enforced.

SSLLabs lists the supported ciphers in order of preference, and it matches what I specified in the config file

Best Answer

For decent HTTPS configuration analysis you can use as well. It grants really high quality information of overall HTTPS state.


In order to check configuration you asked - search for following check in the output:

Testing server preferences

Has server cipher order?     nope (NOT ok)


Testing server preferences

 Has server cipher order?     yes (OK)