How to verify Windows DNS forwarders are working


I thought I knew how to do this, but I guess not.

Even the d2 debugging in nslookup doesn't show the actual forwarder being queried.

So…let's say I set up DNS forwarders in a Windows DNS server and then query using nslookup (or something else?) that server for an external FQDN like "".

Can I actually see where the Windows DNS server is querying its forwarder, which forwarder it ended up using, and the response from that forwarder?

Best Answer

Can I actually see where the Windows DNS server is querying its forwarder, which forwarder it ended up using, and the response from that forwarder?

I am not aware of any logs that would give you that detail. But you could always start a packet capture filtering for DNS traffic. You should see the requests come in from your clients, and requests going out to your configured forwarders for requests that couldn't be answered from the cache.