How to version control a mirrored upstream repository

package-managementrepositoryversion controlyum

I manage many servers that span multiple environments (dev, qa, staging, and production). To help manage these, we have multiple repositories on a local webserver for our applications (e.g. app_1_el6, app_2_el7, etc.). We also mirror several upstream repos which provide dependencies for our custom rpms (e.g. EL Repo [1], EPEL [2], etc.) to reduce package download time.

Currently, a cron job syncs the our local with the upstream repositories. From time to time, we'll pull in an update that causes a problem (e.g. incompatibility with one of our packages). This ends up causing a lot of pain, which I'd like to avoid.

What'd I like to do is create some sort of version control for our local mirror of the upstream repos. I'd like to make sure, for instance, that if a new package is introduced in an upstream repo that breaks our custom rpms, that I have a way of rolling back or somehow isolating that package. What's the best way to go about this?



Best Answer

Michael Hampton referenced an answer that names Katello and Spacewalk, Satellite is the product RedHat offers to accomplish that.

Katello is to Satellite what Fedora is to RedHat (according to this)

Lifecycle environments and content views are what you are looking for in Katello:

Promoting a Content View

Initially a Content View is published to Library as version 1. If there are Content Hosts in other environments that would like to consume this Content View, a version of the content view will need to be promoted to those environments. For example, given the Content View “New Content View”, version 1 of which has been promoted to the Dev environment. Any Content Hosts in Dev attached to the Content View would remain at version 1 until a version 2 is both published and promoted to the Dev environment.

Content view sample

Content view promoting progress