Windows – How to View Server 2008 Software RAID 5 Resync Progress


Skipping over the pros/cons of RAID 5, I have a software RAID-5 array made from 3x 2TB disks. I started the sync and nearly 12 hours later the sync is still going. Is there any way that I can view the progress of the sync? Most screenshots I've seen of a RAID setup shows "Resyncing [x]%" but not on mine.

F5 in disk manager does nothing.

Going to More Tasks > Refresh also shows nothing.

File Services installed, nothing extra.

CPU (Dual Core 2.0GHz) is between 1-5% usage, RAM is between 500-550MB (of 2GB).
enter image description here

Best Answer

I know this is an old question but after finding it during my investigation of an answer, I found an article here which has this comment which turned out to be a solution for me in server 2012 R2, even though it is on a question regarding server 2003.

To summarise the comment; in the Disk Management GUI you will only get a percentage figure next to the disks during a resync once each launch of the Disk Management interface and only after you perform a refresh (using F5 for example) after having loaded Disk Management.

Further refreshes will lose the percentage value - you need to close and repeat the process to obtain current progress.

NB: the resync in my case was the first ever, as I had only just created the RAID-5 volume, I am doing this on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard - but this method is working for me while I monitor the operation.