How to Whitelist a Certain Cookie String in ModSecurity


We are getting a lot of False Positives from using 3rd part software on our server. They themselves can't seem to fix it and I'm trying to work out how to allow cookies through that contain "CERTAINSTRING_"

Below is an example of one of the bans. They are all the same rule id   981231  [15/Dec/2013:12:14:36 +1100]

Pattern match: \
"(/\\*!?|\\*/|[';]--|--[\\s\\r\\n\\v\\f]|(?:--[^-]*?-)|([^\\-&])#.*?[\\s\\r\\n\\v\\f]|;?\\x00)" \
[file "/usr/local/apache/conf/modsecurity_crs_41_sql_injection_attacks.conf"] \
[line "49"] \
[id "981231"] \
[rev "2"] \
[msg "SQL Comment Sequence Detected."] \
[data "Matched Data: 1#"
      "rev found within REQUEST_COOKIES:_CERTAINSTRING: 240,1091,/file-path/file-name/999/1,"
      "description::325,1091,/file-path/file-name/999/1,http://www.mysite…”] \
[severity "CRITICAL"] \
[ver "OWASP_CRS/2.2.8"] \
[maturity "8"] \
[accuracy "8"] \
[tag "WASCTC/WASC-19"] \
[tag "OWASP_TOP_10/A1"]

Best Answer

You can use SecRuleUpdateTargetById to modify the rule

SecRuleUpdateTargetById 981231 !REQUEST_COOKIES:/^ _CERTAINSTRING/

Which would disable the rule that is causing you pain for request cookies whose name begins with _CERTAINSTRING.


The rule above needs to be placed after the rule to which it refers is defined. This is normally done by creating a file that is read after all of the CRS rules e.g. based on the location referenced in your audit log message


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