How would one run a task sequence within a task sequence in SCCM 2012 SP1


A Shining Example: Inside all of my task sequences I have a group that installs driver packages conditionally based on computer model:

enter image description here

And of course, this list does nothing but grow. The fact that it grows isn't a big deal, what is a big deal is that every time it changes I have to manually copy and paste those changes across every task sequence I have, which of course leaves huge room for human error. The same goes for other groups of tasks that are common across task sequences.

Looking for a solution where I could centrally manage these tasks, be it link other task sequences to a group within another task sequence, or create a separate task sequence and link to that.

I came across a solution by John Marcum (SCCM MVP) that mentioned this ability, but this was a while ago and I can't find the link to it anymore to see if it's even still being updated/maintained, but I'm looking for more of a free solution, or even using Powershell or the ConfigMgr SDK is fine with me, I'm no stranger to either.


Getting close:

Best Answer

I realize this does not directly answer your question but I can't help but feel this might be a better way to accomplish your goal.

I'm assuming you are using this Task Sequence to either do a image build or capture or to deploy a previously capture image. I cannot think of a reason why you would have to install device drivers this way.

We just import the device drivers into the Drivers Catalog, roll them up in Packages and then use the Apply Device Drivers action during the image to handle each particular workstation.

Works just fine for us but maybe there is something in your scenario that I am missing.

task sequence