HOWTO: Clone active directory to apacheDS


I have a production Active Directory installation and now I want to setup a test environment in my PC using ApacheDS as my Directory.

Is it possible / how can I copy / migrate / clone my active directory data to my ApacheDS installation?

It seems to be very hard to find any instructions on how to do this so I'm also open to solutions for cloning my production AD to something on my Win7 PC (windows server virtual machine?). My end goal is really clear: a simple solution to emulate AD in my PC…

Best Answer

Hayalci's answer is a good one for the question in your title, but not for the goal in your last sentence. This will not accomplish "AD in your PC." End of sentence.

LDAP alone will not emulate AD. For one thing, an LDIF export and import won't bring in passwords. But much larger, LDAP is only a piece of AD. AD also includes Kerberos, DNS with RR, and GPO - plus all the ACLs, both to AD objects and everything else in the microsoft ecosystem.

If you need a copy of AD, then you can use some VM software (VMware, HyperV, etc) to host a Windows Server that gets a DCpromo. Without knowing what you need to test, I can't tell you how much to export/import to actually get a proper test. The suggestion to use LDIF is a good one, and if you're using AD with the same version and unmodified schemas on both production and your test instance, that will get your whole user databases (minus passwords) into your test environment.

That won't include permissions, servers, and who knows what else might be important in your environment. But it's a good start.

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