Howto plan RAID for ESX


eight 300GB SAS drives are available. Can ESX be put on one disk as RAID-0 and others as RAID-5 ? so that in the event of disk failure data (VMs) are safe.
if os disk RAID-0 fails could that be installed on replacement disk and still be able to keep VMs running?

if not RAID-1 for OS is only option for OS disk? please suggest any other RAID options.

All: many thanks for your responses. the question that remains is which RAID? my situation:

  1. at max handle 1 disk failure
  2. be more storage efficient (less disk cost)
  3. better I/O write perf
  4. if esxi 4 can handle locking better (Chopper) then why not RAID-6 or 5 for all 8 disks instead of separating OS and data volumes? does this provide ability replace failed disk and continue since OS is now mixed up with data?
  5. How good is RAID-50? is it better than RAID-5?

Best Answer

What's wrong with just R10'ing all 8 drives into a single logical disk (LD) of ~1.2TB, it'll be faster and a lot more resilient than your R0+R5 suggestion and gives you the same available space as Tom's R1+R6 suggestion (sorry Tom, you know I love you right). There's no need to have the OS on a different disk than the VMs at all, especially if you're using v4 as it handles locking much better.


Basically you can't have it all, let's look at your newly-added criteria;

  1. You're happy to live with loss of drives if more than 1 disk fails - well fair enough, in that case anything but R0 will work for you.
  2. You want as much space as possible - given we've ruled out R0 then R5 will clearly give you the most space, followed by R6 then R10.
  3. You want good write performance - well R6 is significantly slower than R5 which in turn is slower than R10.
  4. If you have a single logical disk array for both the OS and VMs then losing the LD will kill your host, but then so would losing a VM-only logical disk - all your VMs would stop if either LD failed. The difference would be you wouldn't have to reinstall ESX/i again if you only lost a VM-only LD, but then again reinstalling the OS doesn't take long at all, plus it can be backed up. Given you'll lose 600GB if your R1 one them then I'd stick with either R10 or R5 myself.