HP ILO and Vmware ESXi, how to assign HP ILO to specific virtual guest machine


I m using RHCS, and one of the important part is to have fencing working for my environment. Normally using a physical server, i can simply used the ILO as my fence device. However as guest machine inside esxi, sending reboot instruction via ILO fencing, will actually reboot the host/physical machine.

Is there anyway in vsphere/esxi management part that i can assign ILO to a specific vm guest machine, so that fencing will only affected a single vm guest.

I m using the latest vmware vsphere hypervisor.

or is there any other choice of fencing and reliable ?

Best Answer

I did a quick google for "RHCS vsphere fence agent" and found this link, which references a third-part script that sounds like it does what you want.

I have no idea if it'll help, I just mashed some keys at google because your problem sounded interesting :)