HP Microserver Mini-SAS Cable


I just purchased an HP Microserver I was planning to use with FreeNAS. It needed more RAM, so I tried to follow the instructions to pull out the system board draw to access the DIMM slots. Doing so requires removing all of the cables connected to the board, including a "Mini-SAS" cable. The cable looks like it has an oversized USB-style connector with a metal clip to lock it into place similar to an RJ-45 connector's plastic clip. Try as I might, I couldn't get it to unlock, so I called HP tech support and they had me tug on it a good deal more still to no avail.

I'm thinking maybe the system shipped with a damaged connector, based on the HP video about disconnecting the cable. Has anyone worked with one of these systems? Can you comment on how hard it should be to disconnect that cable?

(Now the system won't start up and HP advised me to do an exchange, which I intend to do, but I found myself wondering if I'd have the same problem with the next unit.)

Best Answer

I have a number of these servers and it is awkward to disconnect, although it does sound odd you are having this amount of trouble

Tips, because of how the cable is routed and cable tied, also the length of the connector, you need to pull directly up while putting a kink in the actual cable.

The metal clip seems to depress further if you place your finger in the middle. It does latch in to the socket fairly well so getting it depressed far enough is important.

The machine will post without the SAS cable connected so even if you have managed to pull it out slightly, the blue logo should light and the system post. Things that will stop it from booting are having the fan header disconnected (From memory I think that is the cable closest to the SAS connector)