HP ML150 G6 – Upgrading RAM/CPU Beyond Specs


I am being told that some limits on some HP servers can be crossed. Do any of you have any experience with that?

A ML150/G6 is limited to 48GB RAM but I have been talking to a German company that guaranties me that this server will be able to be upgraded to 384GB RAM (using 32GB memory modules and 2 CPUs)


Can this really be true?

The server that I have is using E5504 CPUs but will I be able to upgrade to any CPU that is using a LGA1366 socket? All from a low wattage L5640 all the way to the 6 core, high wattage versions like an X5650? (If cooling and power is adequate ofcause).
Is there any limitation with powerregulators and chipset (Intel 5500).

I am looking forward to any reply.
Thanks in advance and best regards,
– Morten Green Hermansen, Fanitas

Best Answer

You can use Intel Westmere 5600-series CPUs in a ProLiant G6 server. That's fine.

As far as RAM, I would not bother with investing so much effort and money into such a low-end server. However, if you really need 384GB of RAM, you should be looking at higher-end products within the product line. That's where the cooling, power and chassis design are optimized for higher specs. If you aren't willing to do that, there's no immediate harm to trying the third-party RAM upgrade.