HP P212 hangs on Initializing


I'm in trouble…

Server: HP Microserver N36L
Storage: HP P212/256 with BBWC
Drives: 4 WD 2 Tb

While expanding the RAID 5 array from 3 to 4 drives, the server rebooted itself. Expansion was at 76%.

Now at boot the P212 seems to hang on initializing. After some time screen resets and the server boots, but in the os (Windows Server 2008R2) the P212 has errors (error code 10) and it's not seen by the HP ACU.

Whats' going on? It's trying to complete the expansion? It's trying to make all over the expansion? It's simply stuck?

What should I do? I NEED the data on the array!

In the server BIOS, on the hd boot priority, the server still reports the array logical drive… maybe it's a good sign…

I'm not at the server physical location, so I cannot tell if the drives in the array are being accessed (that would be the case if the controller it's redoing/completing the expansion process) or not right now.



Best Answer

The P212 only supports HP branded disks, you're not using them are you, yet you wonder why the whole setup's suddenly broke - use supported parts and you'll be fine, don't and you're on you own. Did you not read our FAQ? this site is for professional sysadmins, who don't just throw things together in the vague hope that it might work. Not sure this site is for you at all.